Top quality high performing Black Angus bulls for sale at Amonett Farms. Amonett Farms' Black Angus bulls have outstanding genetics for growth performance, birth weights and milk, with a firm emphasis on foot and leg structure. We always have a good selection to choose from.
“A Practical Approach for Profitable Cattle”
Amonett Farms is located in Byrdstown, Tennessee in the state's Upper Cumberland Region. Although established in 1982, we are currently in our 5th generation of family cattlemen. We have a cow/calf operation of approximately 800 head of Black Angus cattle. We produce Black Angus herd bulls that are available private treaty, and always have a good selection to choose from. We also offer replacement heifers (weaned & bred), and our females are always in high demand.
As you browse through the cattle shown on this site, it is very evident the strong influence of Sydenstricker Genetics found in our herd. We have selected some of the top bulls and females from the annual SydGen production sale over the years, and the benefits of those genetics are obvious in these cattle. With a firm emphasis on hoof shape and leg structure, we have Zero problems with feet and leg integrity in our herd sires and breeding age bulls.
We have a controlled breeding season primarily for fall calving, yet have some spring calvers to fully utilize the value of the herd sires and accommodate our Spring calving customers. Our calves are vaccinated while still nursing their dams, again at weaning, and a final booster 10-14 days later. The calves are given a 12% CO-OP ration. Once the calves are weaned, they will continue on this ration to “grow” them and not be pushed to the point of unsoundness or over condition. We like our calves grown & sound, not fat.
All of our cattle are sold off the farm. We offer herd bulls, replacement females and in early to mid summer, lot loads of steers.
We are very proud of the cow herd we have developed, but are even more excited about the future of the herd. Visitors are always welcome to stop by or call; and, if you're interested in Black Angus herd bulls, replacement heifers, or steers, please contact us anytime.